I’ve been playing a lot of the new Spider-Man game since its release. This isn’t a review, so I’ll just say I think it’s excellent, and I’m having great fun swinging around the game’s version of New York!
Since Spider-Man is currently occupying much of my thoughts and free time, I should at least channel that towards some content, right? So here’s a set of magic items inspired by Spider-Man! Why not disperse these through your game’s world as the mythical treasures of a renowned rogue from antiquity?

Spider-Man from Spider-Man by Insomniac Games. Character © Marvel. |
Boots of the Spider
Wondrous item, Legendary | requires attunement
In addition, you ignore the stickiness of a tightrope web created by the bracers of the spider.
If you also wear and are attuned with the gloves of the spider, you can use your hands to “wall crawl”. You may only move at half your normal movement speed, but you have advantage on saving throws and opposed ability checks to resist any attempt to physically remove you from the surface you are crawling on.
Bracers of the Spider
Wondrous item, Legendary | requires attunement
Grappling Web
You can use the Attack action to make a special ranged attack with a free hand, a web grapple. You choose whether you want to grapple a creature within 30 feet and create a line to you, with which you can control them, or else fire a web which grapples a creature within 60 feet, sticking them to a surface within 5 feet of them. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, your web grapple attack replaces one of them.
The target of your grapple must be no more than one size larger than you and must be within your reach. You make a Dexterity-based ranged attack roll, for which you are proficient, contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, you subject the target to the grappled condition. At the end of the grappled target’s subsequent turns, it may make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to break free of the web.
If you also wear and are attuned with the gloves of the spider, your target can be up to three sizes larger than you.
Traversal Web
As a bonus action using a free hand, you fire a web that sticks to a wall or ceiling within a range of 60 feet, allowing you to swing or pull yourself across a great distance.
If you target the web at an anchor point above and roughly in the middle of the distance you’re jumping, you may make a standing long jump with a maximum distance of 1 foot times the distance to the anchor, or to make a running long jump with a maximum distance equal to 2 feet times the distance to the anchor.
If you target the web at an anchor point opposite you across the distance you wish to traverse, you may add +10 feet to the maximum distance of your standing long jump, or +20 feet to the maximum distance of your running long jump. When you use your traversal web, each foot of distance crossed costs 1 foot of your movement speed, up to a maximum of your total movement speed.
Finally, you can also fire a traversal web at two points within 60 feet of each other, creating either a climbing rope or a tightrope. However, anyone who is not equipped with gloves of the spider must make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check when they first touch a web rope and at the beginning of each subsequent turn for which they are still on the rope. Similarly a creature not equipped with boots of the spider must make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check when they first touch a web tightrope and at the beginning of each subsequent turn for which they are still on the rope. On a failed save, the creature is grappled.

Spider-Man from Spider-Man by Insomniac Games. Character © Marvel. |
Gloves of the Spider
Wondrous item, Legendary | requires attunement
In addition, you ignore the stickiness of a climbing web created by the bracers of the spider.
Mask of the Spider
Wondrous item, Legendary | requires attunement
Completing the Set
Together, the four legendary items comprising the suit of the spider, are easily powerful enough to be considered to be an artefact, though they must be attuned as separate items. However, you may attune to all four items in the suit of the spider at once in exemption to the normal limit of three attuned magic items.
When you are attuned to and wearing the complete suit, you gain the following additional powers.
You have increased manual dexterity and agility, gaining advantage on all Dexterity ability checks.
If you have more than 0 hit points at the start of your turn, you regain 10 hit points. When you are knocked unconscious, the time required for you to regain consciousness is halved.