5e: Wasteland Wares 2nd Edition is available now!

Hot on the heels of Wasteland Wanderers 2nd Edition comes the massively mutated Wasteland Wares 2nd Edition! 

Wasteland Wares updates and expands on the original with a completely updated design, more art, and a whole lot of new content.  Along with key revisions and new rules, the 2nd edition of Wasteland Wares includes new merchant-themed character options compatible with the classes in Wasteland Wanderers

Although designed for use in post-apocalyptic campaign settings, a lot of the content within can be utilised in modern, science-fiction, and in some cases even fantasy worlds with minimal to no conversion effort.


Wasteland Wares 2nd Edition is available now for $11.99, and can be picked up on either of the following markets: 

  • itch.io (if you can use this storefront please do so, as less commission is taken from the sale)
  • DriveThruRPG

If you bought a copy of the original Wasteland Wares, you’ve received an upgrade to the new edition for free!

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