For the last few weeks I’ve been presenting conversions of Spelljammer races as an aid to your attempts to to run Dungeons & Dragons campaigns among the Crystal Spheres! Or you could just introduce one or more of these species as inhabitants of or exotic visitors to your world. Previous installments have introduced the Dohwar, the Dracon, the Grommam, and two Gith subraces: Pirates of Gith and Zerth Freebooters. You can find links to all posts in this series here.

Grav |
Grav Traits
Additionally, when you are subject to sudden changes of gravity, including the effects of spells such as gravity control and reverse gravity, you can choose not to be affected. If you choose to be affected and you have one or more uses of gravity control remaining, you can spend your reaction to cast it on yourself as a reaction at any point during your fall.
Gravity Control
2nd-level transmutation | Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a lodestone and iron filings)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You alter the gravity affecting a single creature or object within 60 feet that is no more than one size category larger than yourself. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, you can either hold the creature in place or float it upward or downward by up to 30 feet.
While you concentrate on the spell, the target’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed. Furthermore, it has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. On your turn you can spend a bonus action on your turn to hold the creature in place, or an action to float it up or down by up to 30 feet. If you float the target further from yourself than the spell’s range, your concentration is broken. The target may make a Strength saving throw against the original DC at the end of each of its turns, breaking your concentration on a success.
When your concentration is broken the target falls back down to the ground (or in the direction of the current gravity plane, if different).
Hadozee are tall and hairy ape-like humanoids whose fur comes in a variety of shades between bright orange to a chocolate brown. They have a shaggy mane around their head, which has a protruding muzzle and pronounced fangs. A hadozee possesses patagial skin flaps which hang between its arms and legs. When extended taut, these allow the hadozee to glide short distances. Hadozee tend to be nimble climbers with a head for heights and a good sense of balance. They are also known to be hard-working. These qualities make them excellent construction workers, as well as crew for seafaring or spelljamming vessels.
The Hadozee world is warmer than a world such as Toril, and much of it is covered by subtropical and tropical forests. Hadozee have an adventurous spirit and can be found all over their world, as well as all over space and dozens of other worlds throughout the known Crystal Spheres. Most hadozee encountered away from their homeworld have never even visited it, and never will. As individuals and as a species, hadozee care far more about where they’re going than where they have been.

Hadozee |
Hadozee Traits
Additionally, you can spend your reaction to begin gliding when you fall, provided there is space to do so.
Handy Feet. Your toes are very limber and your big toes are opposable. You can use your feet as though they are an extra pair of hands. In addition, you have a climbing speed of 20 feet.
Kree’uli are a race of diminutive humanoids who resemble crosses between a raccoon, a monkey and flying squirrel. They come from a jungle world and live in small treetop villages. Their special characteristics are pretty similar to the hadozee, so you can use hadozee racial traits with only a few changes to represent a kree’uli character. Apply the changes described below:
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score doesn’t increase, but your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Kree’Uli have fairly short lives, living until roughly sixty. They reach maturity at age twelve.
Size. Kree’Uli are about the same size as halflings. Your size is Small.
Alignment. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Prehensile Tail. You can use your tail to grasp objects, but not to perform any tasks that require fingers or to make weapon attacks.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.