Fifth Edition Fallout News: Twitch Streams

Fifth Edition Fallout fans rejoice! In 8 days time I will be streaming a game.

I’m thinking about running a full campaign in the future, but it’s a question of free time. I have to wrap up my current tabletop campaign first. For now, this is a one-off adventure featuring some of Fifth Edition Fallout‘s biggest fans! Although, while I say it’s a one-off, I’m not expecting it to be concluded in a single session. There will likely be a second, possibly even a third.

I’m a bit nervous as this is my first time running an online game, let alone streaming. There’s been a lot to learn, and there’s a lot that could go wrong. But I think I’m ready to rise to the challenge and my players are investing a lot of energy into their characters (some of them are even talking about cosplaying!).

The Hunt for Spring-Heeled Jack

Five years ago a string of grisly killings rocked the settlements of The Smoke before the serial killer disappeared from the public eye. Some people thought—hoped, really—that Spring-heeled Jack was dead. But it seems he just left town for a while. When he returns and hurts someone they care for, six wastelanders take it upon themselves to track down Jack and finally end his murderous spree.

The Hunt For Spring-Heeled Jack

The adventure is set in my homebrewed vision of the Fallout universe’s United Kingdom (you can learn a little about this setting, “Fall Britannia”, on the Fifth Edition Fallout wiki).

The characters are 5th level and have been made using a combination of the Fifth Edition Fallout rules and the classes and archetypes in my product Wasteland Wanderers. The first episode airs on Friday 23rd March, at 8.30pm (GMT+0). You can watch it live at:

I hope you can join us live, but if not the game should be available as Video on Demand for 14 days. I’ll also be recording a copy to upload to youtube after the event.

Another Fifth Edition Fallout stream?

In related news I’ve been approached by a group of streamers who are interested in starting a Fifth Edition Fallout campaign within the next few months. It’s very cool news but I have no details to give at this time, particularly since that interest may not turn into reality. Here’s hoping it does! Cross your fingers!