Discover the gem dragons, psionic true dragons that hail from the inner planes!
“The gem dragons are a subspecies of true dragon that are rarely encountered on the material plane, preferring as they do to dwell on the inner planes. Enough of their kind have been encountered, however, to definitively establish that they are a subcategory of dragon, like the chromatics and metallics. Like those other two groups, different types of gem dragons share many commonalities while also possessing distinct characteristics that set them apart.
Gem dragons are set apart by their physical bodies, which resemble the precious gemstones for which they are named, by their potent psionic abilities, and by the fact that they can subsist quite happily on raw elemental matter if they wish—though they are glad to have a little variety in their meals!
The patron deity of gem dragons is Sardior, who manifests as a unique ruby dragon. Most gem dragons keep their finest ruby on a pedestal in their lair to act as a shrine to their deity.
Just as there are five sets of children born to Bahamut and five to Tiamat, it is generally understood that the gem dragons that follow Sardior also number five. Yet, just as there are lost members of the chromatic family, there is a sixth variety of gem dragon. The obsidians were long ago banished from Sardior’s court for a crime lost to history.”
Presented in this sourcebook are 24 monster statblocks, as well as lair actions, regional effects, and profiles for all six types of gem dragon: amethyst, crystal, emrald, sapphire, topaz, as well as the obsidians who are no longer favoured by the ruby dragon Sardior.
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