Introducing the Monstrous Monograph, a growing collection of monsters with which Fifth Edition game masters can challenge their players.
Each volume of the Monstrous Monograph presents a handful of creatures of a given monster type. Grow your collection a few monsters at a time for far less than the price of your morning coffee!
Monstrous Monograph: Humanoids Vol. I contains four new humanoid species and eight statblocks, as well as player race traits for each creature type and an appendix of new spells:
- Anubans are a species of jackal-like humanoids inspired by ancient egyptian culture and the egyptian pantheon. Anubans believe Anubis, the god of the afterlife, to be head of the pantheon (rather than Ra-Horakhty), and they look forward to the day they will join their creator in the underworld. As such, they have no fear of death. Anubans make no distinction between arcane and divine magic, believing both to be gifts from the gods. As such anuban priests practice wizardry. Statblocks include the CR 3 Anuban Priest, the CR 7 Anuban High Priest, and the CR 3 Anuban Tomb Watcher, a kind of guardian mummy that protects the tombs of important anuban figures.
- Bardar are a race of energy vampires who can absorb the life of a person simply through touch. They believe themselves a superior species, and are a greedy, selfish breed. They dwell in imposing walled cities, and are universally despised by their neighbours due to their proclivities toward conquest and slave-taking. Statblocks include the CR 2 Bardar Tempest, elite soldiers drawn from the lesser aristocracy, and the CR 3 Bardar Fury, brutal martial artists who act as enforcers for the Autocrat.
- Khione are a planetouched bloodline descended from the Dao, genies of Earth. Though as flexible as normal flesh, their bodies resemble stone, giving them the appearance of living statues. Khione society is matriarchal, and the vast majority of their culture’s positions of power and influence belong to women. Statblocks include the CR 5 Khione Cyclone, a scimitar-wielding dervish, and the CR 6 Khione Priestess.
- The CR 2 Kisarans are seminomadic feline humanoids. They are exceptional hunters, training with a bow from childhood. Master archers, kisarans head out on a ritual hunt as a rite of passage into adulthood. Some never return, instead choosing to explore other lands. Such individuals invariably end up as mercenaries, earning their way with their exceptional archery skills.
- Included statblocks represent the most unique members of a given race’s society. For more varied encounters with members of these species, pair the statblocks here with others from the monstrous manual’s Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters.
- This volume includes racial traits for all four humanoid species within its pages.
- Appendix I: Monstrous Magics includes four new cantrips and spells: earthlord’s fury, sand blast, sand shell, and sand sword.